Fsds is the framework to develop applications dedicated to users working on field.
fsds is the solution to improve quickly and with effectiveness and efficiency the business all processes that create value.
With fsds is possible to digitize customer data acquisition process i.e., contract data, technical intervention reports; fsds is capable to generate the relevant documents and update the data management system.
In addition thanks to fsds, data collection and documents creation becomes less expensive and more efficient,
fsds uses original solutions developed by our company to create documents, to manage communication and to ensure the validity of contract or service documents electronic signature.
fsds is developed using Oracle Apex technology and Oracle database; this means operating on a powerful, secure, flexible platform on which applications developed can be installed in Cloud or on Premise.
fsds and our experience are the forces that give the right boost to the Digital Transformation of your business processes.
What is fsds
- is a modular system to digitize an entire process or a part of it;
- it can be used by web;
- is optimized for mobile devices;
- is adaptable for particular needs;
- it can be installed on premise or in cloud
But that's not enough; fsds is the framework that can be suited to any industry and that can be customized to meeet specific needs.
Moreover fsds can be integrated with third-party ERP software, with our solution arpa wide and our document management products such as: bFiler and topFiler
How fsds works
fsds in able to manage various functions such as:
- customer relationship to verify the commercial and administrative position,
- openimg intervention requests and manage the follow-up by the responsability function
- Schedule the activity to check customers installed model and offer telephone assistance or evaluate the possibility of carrying out an intervention remotely, if technologically possible, or even evaluate the urgency of the call and, if necessary, check if there are any technicians in the area to intervene promptly.
- Field interventions documentation to carry out technical maintenance interventions or commercial agreement.
- Customer management, through digitized intervention, the customer immediately receives a copy of the documents issued by e-mail as well as any payment receipts.
- Data management the company is able to immediately receive data and information that will be immediately inserted into information system without manual intervention.