Content Management Area

Content Management Area

Customer Communication Management

Companies that need to send thousands of documents are often looking for the right Partner to entrust service execution. This solution may not appear convenient when a very high volume of documents has to be managed.

The largest part of documents are sent today in a dematerialized way, even document that should be received in a printed form are exchanged in an a dematerialized way and are printed by the final service supplier just before the delivery. Communications are made also using SMS. Many of these channels allow to have a delivery status. To manage multichannel communication in an effective way  it is convenient to use a solution as topMailer. Our product can manage automatically all the sending activities regardless the channel chosen by the recipient (from traditional paper mail up to email and SMS); when the data are available, it displays on the dashboard the delivery status. This solution allows consitent savings and has a very interesting R.O.I.

Click here to discover our solution topMailer

Document Management

Nowadays companies that need to improve their processes with efficiency and effectiveness need to go digital. It means avoid analogic information as much as possible, using instead digital information to classify, preserve and share information composed by data.

Click here to discover our solution topFiler

Click here to discover our solution bFiler


Italian government has ruled a way to certify  emails by digital signature, time-mark and hash-mark systems. This kind of special email has a strictly legal value in Italy and can used in the court debates since sending a Certified E-mail to another Certified E-mail box has the same value of a registered letter. Following the Italian law  business documentation, whatever it is, have to be conserved at least for 10 years.

Few people knows that Certified E-mail is an originally electronic document and, to be compliant with the rules, Certified E-mail have to be preserved through the Legal Preservation procedures

pecFiler manages secure enterprise Certified E-mail regardless of mail service provider and, moreover, adds controls over the use of a communication method that may be very delicate owing to its legal value.

Click here to discover our pecFiler solution



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